Friday, January 23, 2015


I am feeling so many things right now. I am completely discouraged...overwhelmed...frustrated...angry...what do I do with all of this? When I was started on the ADHD medication I think I fooled myself into thinking it was going to be the big cure I was looking for. Well, obviously I was wrong :( My emotions are getting the best of me today. This is a day of feeling like I have no pupose in life, I mean really what am I doing that is worth anything? I have such a passion for helping others, but how can I help others when I cannot even help myself right now?
People tell me, "You are a mom and a have a family to take care of." Really? Is that supposed to be the only thing in life that makes it worth living? I personally want more out of life...I think if more people would be honest they would agree that they too want more out of life. I cannot just sit around my house, clean, organize, and wait for the kids to get out of school. Then once they are out of school what am I supposed to do? My kids are all busy with their own activities and when they are not busy with activites they are in their rooms, watching television, or playing on their electronics.
I need more out of this life...if I actually had something to do I wouldn't have to sit around and think how I have nothing. I need to have a purpose, a plan, a goal, or a I wrong for wanting more? I need more, so much more. But how do I get it?

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