Friday, January 23, 2015

Panic Mode

Why do I panic when things do not go right? Is it my disease? Is it my past? What exactly is it?
This morning I realized I didn't have my debit card...couldn't find it anywhere...panic set in immediately! My husband kept telling me that this has happened before and that we would find it, but my mind told me life was over and negative thoughts swarmed my mind. How do I change this? How do I find a way to calm myself down? Why do I think life is over and everything is ruined when things don't go right?
Bumps in the road, no matter how big or small, can really shake us sometimes, especially when we struggle with mental illness. How do we get through these bumps? How do we force ourselves to use the coping skills we have learned along the way? That is something I really struggle with...using my coping skills when times get tough. I have a huge list of coping skills, but when my feelings and emotions take over everything flies out the window.
I think the best thing I can do to handle these bumps in the road are to really plan and prepare for the next "disaster". I need to keep a list of ways to deal with stress with me at all times. No matter how crazy it may seem to carry a little list with me it may really help me to see all the things I need to do in order to calm myself down and think logically. So from now on that is what I will do...carry my coping skills everywhere I go.
#copingskills #freakingout #bumpsintheroad

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