Sunday, March 15, 2015

Needing Love and Support!

So much on my mind tonight, I just need to get it off my chest in no particular order because that is how my mind works. Gotta love it!
First of all I am worried about my daughter. My sweet and innocent little girl who is now a 14 year old teenager dealing with depression and a mood disorder that causes her to cut. She has cut her arms and legs to the point I cannot even fathom. Thankfully the cuts have not been too deep that they require stitches, but she will have scaring for the rest of her life. She struggles in school, not with grades (she is an A/B student), but socially. She doesn't have any friends, only a couple people she "socializes" with, but they are bad news anyways. She tries anything to fit in and was recently suspended until futher notice pending a meeting at the school which is tomorrow.
The above brings me to point two. The meeting. I have to meet with the principal, superintendent, my daughter, and her dad (of which I do not have much good to say about). I deal with my own moods on a daily basis and all I can do is pray that this meeting will go well, I will be able to handle it, and my daughter will be able to return to school this year.
Point number three, we are going on a family vacation to Tennessee in two weeks. My youngest two kids do not get along and it is going to be an eight hour drive. Am I crazy? What was I thinking? I am so worried they are going to fight and ruin the trip for everyone. Not to mention I have a hard enough time trusting my brain to behave that I worry I will worry the trip for everyone.
I cannot stand all this stuff on my mind! This all seems like some heavy stuff for me. On top of the heavy stuff I have my every day problems I worry about which are too many to list, so I won't bore you with the details. I have to get through all this and I have to remember to reach out for support and take care of myself somewhere along this rough time ahead!
SO thanks for taking the time to read this and I would greatly appreciate some love and support while I go through these trials!

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